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Issue No. 1   February 2010

                          towards green sunrise......


In This Issue

Bhagwaan Mahaveer
 Wildlife Sanctuary              CREATURE

              TUSSAR SILK MOTH
             By Omkar Dharwadkar
We all came together when we were
           studying in G.V.M’s Higher Secondary
About Us   through the G.V.M’s Nature Study Circle
           (GNSC). Guided by Mr. Ajay Dongre we
           started our journey through jungle trails
                                    and birdwatching.

                                                     by the magnificence of birds, we
                                                     turned towards photography as an
                                                     attempt to preserve their beauties.
                                                     But soon, our photography was not
           just limited to birds and we started
           to look out for whatever that can be
           termed as wildlife. We eventually built
           a big database of photographs and
           decided to share those with people.
                                As a result, we
                                organized an exhibition
                                of Photographs at Kala
                                Academy Goa under GNSC.
                                Due to its great success with
                                around 1500 people visiting it in just three days, we
                                organized the exhibition at different places like schools
                                and colleges like the Chowgule College Margao.

                               Meanwhile, some of our members,
                            who were interested in fauna like
                            the snakes, took up the work of
                            rescuing snakes. Today a lot of our
                            members are involved in rescues
                            of snakes and other distressed wild

                                    Recently, we have started
                                    arranging activities like jungle
                                    treks for public. Also we have
                                    done awareness campaigns in
                                    schools and higher
A word from Mitra......

Hi everybody,

We present you the first issue of our magazine.
We intend to make our readers aware of the natural wealth
possessed by our state Goa and rest of the Western Ghats.
This is our first attempt in doing so.
Western Ghats is one of the few biodiversity hotspot regions
of the world. It means that there are lots of endemic species
in Western Ghats and they are threatened.
Goa is endowed with pleasant environment, beautiful beaches
and a small part of Western Ghats.
Goa holds six Wildlife Sanctuaries which is a treat for a nature
We have been enjoying the beauty of goan forests for last
three years.
At the same time we could see how so called developmental
activities are destroying our natural heritage. We felt the need
to take steps to conserve what we are losing. So we founded
MITRA, a NGO, to serve the cause.
We started arranging treks for general public in wildlife
sanctuaries to make them aware of the natural wealth we
have. Some of our members took up wildlife rescues.
We also started awareness campaigns in high schools and
higher secondary schools.
We began photodocumenting the Wildlife. And now we have
taken another step by presenting this first issue of our
magazine. We hope that you will like it.

Do send us your feedback and suggestions.

                             - Team Mitra
Page 2:    About Us

Page 3:    A word from Mitra......

Page 5:    In News
           - Forensic Reports confirm’s Tiger’s remains
           - Bhimgad declared as Wildlife Sanctuary

Page 6:

 Travel Cotigao
                                        -By Mandar Gaude

Page 11:   Bhagwaan Mahavir Wildlife
                                               -By Rohan Naik

Page 15:   Creature
In News
Forensic Reports confirm’s Tiger’s remains
The investigations into Goa’s tiger killing case has got a boost with
forensic report confirming that the remains collected from a plantation
were of a striped cat. Dehradun-based Wildlife Institute of India (WII)
has confirmed that the sample matches to that of a tiger. One out of
the seven samples matched which is enough to confirm. The tiger was
killed in Keri village in a cashew platation, in February last year.

Bhimgad declared as Wildlife Sanctuary
The two-decade-long struggle of environmentalists has finally succeeded
with the Ministry of Environment and Forests according wildlife sanctuary
status to Bhimgad forest area (13,167.10 hectares) recently. Due to this,
most of the Mhadei forests has now come under legal protection.
Forests of Mhadei are home for a vast number of different species.
Newly discovered species like the Mhadei Caecilian are found only in
this area. A couple of rare bats-Wroughton’s freetailed bat and
Theobald’s tomb bat-rare primates like slender Loris, lesser known
mammals like brown civet, have all been documented from this area
during the last few years.

  Did You Know?
  The IUCN Red List Threatened Species tells the global conservation status of
  plant and animal species. Species are classified in nine groups, set through
  criteria such as rate of decline, population size, area of geographic
  distribution, and degree of population and distribution fragmentation.
  •	 Extinct	(EX) - No individuals remaining.
  •	 Extinct	in	the	Wild	(EW) - Known only to survive in captivity, or as a
      naturalized population outside its historic range.
  •	 Critically	Endangered	(CR) - Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  •	 Endangered	(EN) - High risk of extinction in the wild.
  •	 Vulnerable	(VU) - High risk of endangerment in the wild.
  •	 Near	Threatened	(NT) - Likely to become endangered in the near future.
  •	 Least	Concern	(LC) - Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk
      category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
  •	 Data	Deficient	(DD) - Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of
  •	 Not	Evaluated	(NE) - Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.
  The term “threatened” is a grouping of three categories: Critically Endangered,
  Endangered, and Vulnerable.
Cotigao                - by Mandar Gaude

The 85.6 Cotigao wildlife           We set out the same afternoon.
sanctuary is situated in south goa         After two and half hours’ travel by
and has old and dense forests. It is a     bus we reached our destination. I

delight for wildlife enthusiast.           was steppping in this sanctuary after
Mandar tells his experiences of his        about half a year. Last time it was
journey in this Jan....                    fun learning about frogs and
I   was down with flu for first seven
                                           searching for Caecilians.
days of the New Year which had
                                           Hunt for Frogmouth
ruined half of my semester vacation.
                                           Night trails are always exciting and
For quite a few time, I was away from
                                           thrilling. One reason is increased
wildlife and now that I had recovered
                                           possibility of mammal sighting.
from the flu, I was feeling an intense
                                           Another reason is many beautiful
urge to go for a trip to a wildlife
                                           tiny spiders can be seen. Omkar had
sanctuary that morning, and then
                                           once photographed about 35 species
Omkar invited me to accompany him
                                           of spiders in within two hours. Birds
to Cotigao Wild Life Sanctuary. I
                                           like Frogmouths and Nightjars are
agreed instantly.
                                           ones which are active in night. Also
some mammals like flying squirrel,        turtles had come out from nest
civet are more likely to be seen in       already. They were around twenty
night.                                    in number. We observed while
That night we went out to search for      forest guards released them in the
the frogmouth. It is a                    Arabian Sea.
nocturnal bird(organisms active only      Olive ridleys are critically
at the night) and its face looks like     endangered species. They are the
that of a frog. We started hearing        smallest of the marine turtle
Frogmouth calls. Calls became louder      species in the world. They are
in time indicating they had come          highly migratory, covering
close to us. But still we couldn’t spot   thousands of kilometers between
one since they had excellently            foraging and nesting grounds. They
managed to camouflage in the              choose narrow beaches near
surrounding. We waited in hope that       estuaries and bays to lay eggs.
the bird will show up. But we saw         Each adult female lays
just a glimpse for few seconds when       approximately 100-140 eggs at a
it flew from one branch to another        time. It is believed that they nest
and that was the only success we          in an interval of one-four years.
got.                                      The nesting season is between
                                          November to March. Morjim and
Visit to Olive Ridleys                    Galgibag beaches are two nesting
After dinner we went to Galgibag          sites in Goa. For the conservation,
Beach to witness Olive Ridley turtles     forest department guard the nests
hatching. We were little unlucky as       against humans and stray dogs.

(c) Mandar

Newly born Olive Ridley Tutles waiting
to be released in sea at Galgibag.
Forest Department monitors nesting of
Olive Ridley Turtles and protects them
until they hatch. The eggs hatch in
47-50 days.
The Eco-tourism Complex

                                                                 (C) Utkarsh
                                                                               Stage I:
The eco-tourism complex of cotigao                                             Egg of Red
is well developed. It has spacious                                             pierro
cottages for accommodation. It also
has a small amphitheatre, children’s
park, a cycling trail, a small
arboretum, rescue enclosures, nature
interpretation centre. It is also home    Stage II:
for a large number of lesser known        Caterpillar of Red

                                                                                             (C) Utkarsh
fauna. Draco, the gliding Lizard can      Pierro
be seen while having a cup of tea.
Many butterflies keep hovering in
air. We saw almost complete life
cycle of red pierrot on a plant. One
can see a number of beautiful tiny       Red Pierro
spiders in night. Spotted deers come
in night just outside the complex.
Yellow Pansy
                         (c) Mandar

                                                                                    (c) Mandar

Signature spider                         Caterpillar of a Moth

(c) Mandar                                                                          (c) Mandar
An Unexpected Encounter                Something shined at road side. After
                                       sometime we realized that it was a
We enjoyed another night trail other   black panther, sitting at the roadside.
night. This time we went deeper in     We all were awestruck. After looking
sanctuary with DCF Dr. Debendra        at us for few seconds, it stood up
Dalai and DRO Vilas Gawas. We          and walked slowly inside the deeper
headed towards Bela Lake. Bela Lake    jungle. It was a superb sighting. We
is one of the fruitful sites for       came out of the vehicle and tried to
mammal sighting in this Wildlife       trace the panther, but it had
Sanctuary. Last year, my first         vanished into the thick forest. A
encounter with a leopard in the wild   black panther is nothing but an
was here.                              offspring of a normal leopard i.e. one
We were welcomed by a black naped      with spots. There is just some
hare. Then we saw an adult female      difference in pigmentation of skin
Sambhar, Small Indian Civet, Grey      as there is in humans. It is a very
Nightjar, Jerdon’s Nightjar and a      rare animal and we were lucky to
Bedome Cat snake.                      see one. Only bad news was no one
And then a rare mammal showed up.      could get a picture of it. But the
We were moving slowly and quietly.     night out had paid off.

Grey Nightjar

                                                                 (c) Mandar
Kuskem Waterfall                         Sunbeam, Cruiser, Blue Mormon and
                                         many more can be seen easily. Also
Kuskem Waterfall is another attraction   some rare species like Black Rajah,
of Cotigao. A forest guard took us       Red-Spot Duke, Fluufy Tit, Paris
there on his bike. The main waterfall    Peacock, Common Nawab can be
revives only in monsoons. We saw         seen. Along with butterflies, one can
how it looks when it is dry. It was a    also see beautiful birds. Some of the
large steep rock structure. We           endemic birds like Malabar Trogon,
decided to visit another waterfall       White-bellied Blue Flycatcher, Malabar
inside forest. We were going along       Pied Hornbill, Malabar Parakeet can
the river path.                          be found. The chilled water and dark
It is always a pleasant experience to    green canopy keeps you fresh.
walk through the rivers in Western       The waterfall was smaller than the
Ghats. It is one wonderful experience    previous one. But it looked beautiful
provided by Mother Nature for which      with milk white water flowing through
we should be very much grateful to       it. There was a lot of butterfly
her. It is a treat for butterfly         activity near waterfall. We saw Black
lovers. Many beautiful butterfly         Rajah, Common Leopard, Commander,
species like Tamil yeoman, Angled        Angled Sunbeam, Lesser gull, Cruiser
Kuskem Waterfall                         and Common Albatross.

  (C) Mandar

Before returning home I thanked Mother Nature for giving those wonderful
experiences. I was returning with full satisfaction.
Bhagwaan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary
                                                                          - by Rohan Naik

                                                                                 (C) Rohan
 Bhagwaan Mahaveer Wildlife
 Sanctuary and Mollem National Park
 (Now clubbed together) is one of the
 finest habitats for willdlife in Goa. It is
 a part of the Western Ghats-one of the
 top biodiversity hotspots in the world.
 With its variety of habitats from dense
 forest to open grasslands, rocky streams
 etc, it houses a variety of wildlife.
 From small insects-butterflies,
 dragonflies-damselflies; amphibians,
 reptiles, birds to huge mammals,
 different sorts of animals and also
 plants are found here. Also one can
 see variety of beautiful mushrooms
 during rainy season.                                       Stream ruby trio

                          (C) Rohan            (C) Rohan
            Beddome’s Frog                                 Centamoud Moth

(C) Rohan

                                               (C) Rohan
            A lovely Flower                                Common Jezebel
(C) Rohan

                                                   (C) Rohan
                                         Stream Ruby Damselfly

        Caterpillar of a moth

                                                                 (C) Rohan
(C) Rohan

                                      Unidentified Insect - Its antannae
            Angled Sunbeam             are remarkably longer than its

(C) Rohan
                                                  Green Vine Snake
It stretches over a large area and includes
many different villages. Spots like the sunset
point, the Vasant Bandhara are a must visit. The
sunset point is at the peak of one of the          (C) Rohan
highest hills of the sanctuary from where you
can get the view of the entire ghat section
and of course the sunset in the evening. It also
holds the famous Dudhsagar waterfall and the
Devils Canyon. The famous temple of Tambdi
Surla and the waterfall adjacent to it also fall
under the same sanctuary.

                                   (C) Rohan
Stream Ruby male guarding the egg laying female

(C) Rohan

   Tambdi Surla Temple
(C) Rohan

                           (C) Rohan
             Tamil Lacewing                                     Common Indian Toad

In all, if you are a wildlife enthusiast, nature lover or even interested in
the ancient culture or architecture, Mollem sanctuary is the place which will
never disappoint you.

                                                                               (C) Rohan

Did You Know?
The Dragonfly (Bhirmoot) is one of the two living member of order Odonata. Other member is
Damselfly. Many people misunderstand damselfly as dragonfly. One can differ easily between two by
looking at its resting position. Dragonflies sit with wings held open, horizontally or downwards
whereas damselflies sit with wings held closed, usually over abdomen. Also damselflies are slender.
Common Banded Kukri                          Malabar Giant Squirrel
Oligodon arnensis                             Ratufa Indica
 (C) Utkarsh                                            Class:- Mammalia
                                                           Description:-Body length
                                                                varies from 254 to
                                                                457 mm and tail
                                                                length is almost the
                                                           same as body length.
                                                           They weigh aproximately
                                                           1.5 to 2 kg. Colour of
                                                         back or upper part varies
                                                         from deep red to brown
Class:- Reptilia                                        and that of front part is
Type:- Non Venomous                                      white. Distribution:-It is
Length:-Average: 35cm                                       found in western ghats
                                        (C) Rohan
         At Birth: 8cm                                      and endemic to the
Description:- They are reddish or        same. They are found in all wildlife
greyish-brown with 10-12 black or        sanctuaries of Goa.
dark brown bands. The top of the         Habitat and habits:- It is arboreal and
head has a distinct arrowhead            spends most of its time on trees. It
design. Underneath they are white in     makes its shelter within holes in trees.
appearance. Their thickness is less.     Moving from tree to tree, it can leap 6
Distribution:- Throughout India.         meters or more. It rarely leaves the
Habitat:- Banded Kukris are mainly       trees, usually only to chase other
cave, crevice and tree-hole dwellers.    squirrels during the breeding season. It
Sometimes they are found in termite      builds eagle-sized nests in the branches
mounds.                                  of trees and raise the young there until
Habits:- This specie doesn’t bite        they begin to emerge from the nest
often and its main defence is to         and gain independence. It is typically
stiffen and jerk when provoked. They     solitary. Active during day.
lay 3-6 eggs.                            Food:-Fruits, flowers, nuts, bark, bird
Food:- They feed on Geckos, skinks,      eggs and insects. They disperse the
small mice and eggs of reptiles and      seeds on ground and thus help in
birds. The tiny young ones feed on       propagation of trees.
insects, their larvae and spiders.       Status:- Near Threatened
Miscellaeous:-These snakes get their     Miscellaneous:- It is state animal of
name from their sharp, curved teeth,     Maharashtra. Called shekro in Goa.
perfect for holding strong prey such     Poached for its meat and also because
as geckos. Normally not found in         it sometimes damages arecanut crop
urban areas.                             for its food.

People Behind this issue

 Mandar Gaude
 Rohan Naik

 Rohan Naik
 Utkarsh Tilve
 Omkar Dharwadkar
 Mandar Gaude

 Mandar Gaude

 Omkar Dharwadkar
 Kaustubh Naik

(c) Mitra
 This issue is for online viewing only. No part of this issue may be printed
 or sold by any means. This issue is for free viewing.

Send us feedback at:

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Mitra Magazine11

  • 1. Issue No. 1 February 2010 MITRA towards green sunrise...... Enchanting In This Issue Cotigao Bhagwaan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary CREATURE FEATURE TUSSAR SILK MOTH By Omkar Dharwadkar
  • 2. We all came together when we were studying in G.V.M’s Higher Secondary About Us through the G.V.M’s Nature Study Circle (GNSC). Guided by Mr. Ajay Dongre we started our journey through jungle trails and birdwatching. Fascinated by the magnificence of birds, we turned towards photography as an attempt to preserve their beauties. But soon, our photography was not just limited to birds and we started to look out for whatever that can be termed as wildlife. We eventually built a big database of photographs and decided to share those with people. As a result, we organized an exhibition of Photographs at Kala Academy Goa under GNSC. Due to its great success with around 1500 people visiting it in just three days, we organized the exhibition at different places like schools and colleges like the Chowgule College Margao. Meanwhile, some of our members, who were interested in fauna like the snakes, took up the work of rescuing snakes. Today a lot of our members are involved in rescues of snakes and other distressed wild animals. Recently, we have started arranging activities like jungle treks for public. Also we have done awareness campaigns in schools and higher secondaries.
  • 3. A word from Mitra...... Hi everybody, We present you the first issue of our magazine. We intend to make our readers aware of the natural wealth possessed by our state Goa and rest of the Western Ghats. This is our first attempt in doing so. Western Ghats is one of the few biodiversity hotspot regions of the world. It means that there are lots of endemic species in Western Ghats and they are threatened. Goa is endowed with pleasant environment, beautiful beaches and a small part of Western Ghats. Goa holds six Wildlife Sanctuaries which is a treat for a nature lover. We have been enjoying the beauty of goan forests for last three years. At the same time we could see how so called developmental activities are destroying our natural heritage. We felt the need to take steps to conserve what we are losing. So we founded MITRA, a NGO, to serve the cause. We started arranging treks for general public in wildlife sanctuaries to make them aware of the natural wealth we have. Some of our members took up wildlife rescues. We also started awareness campaigns in high schools and higher secondary schools. We began photodocumenting the Wildlife. And now we have taken another step by presenting this first issue of our magazine. We hope that you will like it. Do send us your feedback and suggestions. - Team Mitra Email: Blog:
  • 4. Contents Page 2: About Us Page 3: A word from Mitra...... Page 5: In News - Forensic Reports confirm’s Tiger’s remains - Bhimgad declared as Wildlife Sanctuary Enchanting Page 6: Travel Cotigao -By Mandar Gaude Page 11: Bhagwaan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary -By Rohan Naik Page 15: Creature Feature
  • 5. In News Forensic Reports confirm’s Tiger’s remains The investigations into Goa’s tiger killing case has got a boost with forensic report confirming that the remains collected from a plantation were of a striped cat. Dehradun-based Wildlife Institute of India (WII) has confirmed that the sample matches to that of a tiger. One out of the seven samples matched which is enough to confirm. The tiger was killed in Keri village in a cashew platation, in February last year. Bhimgad declared as Wildlife Sanctuary The two-decade-long struggle of environmentalists has finally succeeded with the Ministry of Environment and Forests according wildlife sanctuary status to Bhimgad forest area (13,167.10 hectares) recently. Due to this, most of the Mhadei forests has now come under legal protection. Forests of Mhadei are home for a vast number of different species. Newly discovered species like the Mhadei Caecilian are found only in this area. A couple of rare bats-Wroughton’s freetailed bat and Theobald’s tomb bat-rare primates like slender Loris, lesser known mammals like brown civet, have all been documented from this area during the last few years. Did You Know? The IUCN Red List Threatened Species tells the global conservation status of plant and animal species. Species are classified in nine groups, set through criteria such as rate of decline, population size, area of geographic distribution, and degree of population and distribution fragmentation. • Extinct (EX) - No individuals remaining. • Extinct in the Wild (EW) - Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range. • Critically Endangered (CR) - Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. • Endangered (EN) - High risk of extinction in the wild. • Vulnerable (VU) - High risk of endangerment in the wild. • Near Threatened (NT) - Likely to become endangered in the near future. • Least Concern (LC) - Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category. • Data Deficient (DD) - Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction. • Not Evaluated (NE) - Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria. The term “threatened” is a grouping of three categories: Critically Endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable.
  • 6. Enchanting Cotigao - by Mandar Gaude The 85.6 Cotigao wildlife We set out the same afternoon. sanctuary is situated in south goa After two and half hours’ travel by and has old and dense forests. It is a bus we reached our destination. I travel delight for wildlife enthusiast. was steppping in this sanctuary after Mandar tells his experiences of his about half a year. Last time it was journey in this Jan.... fun learning about frogs and I was down with flu for first seven searching for Caecilians. days of the New Year which had Hunt for Frogmouth ruined half of my semester vacation. Night trails are always exciting and For quite a few time, I was away from thrilling. One reason is increased wildlife and now that I had recovered possibility of mammal sighting. from the flu, I was feeling an intense Another reason is many beautiful urge to go for a trip to a wildlife tiny spiders can be seen. Omkar had sanctuary that morning, and then once photographed about 35 species Omkar invited me to accompany him of spiders in within two hours. Birds to Cotigao Wild Life Sanctuary. I like Frogmouths and Nightjars are agreed instantly. ones which are active in night. Also
  • 7. some mammals like flying squirrel, turtles had come out from nest civet are more likely to be seen in already. They were around twenty night. in number. We observed while That night we went out to search for forest guards released them in the the frogmouth. It is a Arabian Sea. nocturnal bird(organisms active only Olive ridleys are critically at the night) and its face looks like endangered species. They are the that of a frog. We started hearing smallest of the marine turtle Frogmouth calls. Calls became louder species in the world. They are in time indicating they had come highly migratory, covering close to us. But still we couldn’t spot thousands of kilometers between one since they had excellently foraging and nesting grounds. They managed to camouflage in the choose narrow beaches near surrounding. We waited in hope that estuaries and bays to lay eggs. the bird will show up. But we saw Each adult female lays just a glimpse for few seconds when approximately 100-140 eggs at a it flew from one branch to another time. It is believed that they nest and that was the only success we in an interval of one-four years. got. The nesting season is between November to March. Morjim and Visit to Olive Ridleys Galgibag beaches are two nesting After dinner we went to Galgibag sites in Goa. For the conservation, Beach to witness Olive Ridley turtles forest department guard the nests hatching. We were little unlucky as against humans and stray dogs. (c) Mandar Newly born Olive Ridley Tutles waiting to be released in sea at Galgibag. Forest Department monitors nesting of Olive Ridley Turtles and protects them until they hatch. The eggs hatch in 47-50 days.
  • 8. The Eco-tourism Complex (C) Utkarsh Stage I: The eco-tourism complex of cotigao Egg of Red is well developed. It has spacious pierro cottages for accommodation. It also has a small amphitheatre, children’s park, a cycling trail, a small arboretum, rescue enclosures, nature interpretation centre. It is also home Stage II: for a large number of lesser known Caterpillar of Red (C) Utkarsh fauna. Draco, the gliding Lizard can Pierro be seen while having a cup of tea. Many butterflies keep hovering in air. We saw almost complete life cycle of red pierrot on a plant. One can see a number of beautiful tiny Red Pierro spiders in night. Spotted deers come in night just outside the complex. Yellow Pansy (c) Mandar (c) Mandar Signature spider Caterpillar of a Moth (c) Mandar (c) Mandar
  • 9. An Unexpected Encounter Something shined at road side. After sometime we realized that it was a We enjoyed another night trail other black panther, sitting at the roadside. night. This time we went deeper in We all were awestruck. After looking sanctuary with DCF Dr. Debendra at us for few seconds, it stood up Dalai and DRO Vilas Gawas. We and walked slowly inside the deeper headed towards Bela Lake. Bela Lake jungle. It was a superb sighting. We is one of the fruitful sites for came out of the vehicle and tried to mammal sighting in this Wildlife trace the panther, but it had Sanctuary. Last year, my first vanished into the thick forest. A encounter with a leopard in the wild black panther is nothing but an was here. offspring of a normal leopard i.e. one We were welcomed by a black naped with spots. There is just some hare. Then we saw an adult female difference in pigmentation of skin Sambhar, Small Indian Civet, Grey as there is in humans. It is a very Nightjar, Jerdon’s Nightjar and a rare animal and we were lucky to Bedome Cat snake. see one. Only bad news was no one And then a rare mammal showed up. could get a picture of it. But the We were moving slowly and quietly. night out had paid off. Grey Nightjar (c) Mandar
  • 10. Kuskem Waterfall Sunbeam, Cruiser, Blue Mormon and many more can be seen easily. Also Kuskem Waterfall is another attraction some rare species like Black Rajah, of Cotigao. A forest guard took us Red-Spot Duke, Fluufy Tit, Paris there on his bike. The main waterfall Peacock, Common Nawab can be revives only in monsoons. We saw seen. Along with butterflies, one can how it looks when it is dry. It was a also see beautiful birds. Some of the large steep rock structure. We endemic birds like Malabar Trogon, decided to visit another waterfall White-bellied Blue Flycatcher, Malabar inside forest. We were going along Pied Hornbill, Malabar Parakeet can the river path. be found. The chilled water and dark It is always a pleasant experience to green canopy keeps you fresh. walk through the rivers in Western The waterfall was smaller than the Ghats. It is one wonderful experience previous one. But it looked beautiful provided by Mother Nature for which with milk white water flowing through we should be very much grateful to it. There was a lot of butterfly her. It is a treat for butterfly activity near waterfall. We saw Black lovers. Many beautiful butterfly Rajah, Common Leopard, Commander, species like Tamil yeoman, Angled Angled Sunbeam, Lesser gull, Cruiser Kuskem Waterfall and Common Albatross. (C) Mandar Before returning home I thanked Mother Nature for giving those wonderful experiences. I was returning with full satisfaction.
  • 11. Bhagwaan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary - by Rohan Naik (C) Rohan Bhagwaan Mahaveer Wildlife Sanctuary and Mollem National Park (Now clubbed together) is one of the finest habitats for willdlife in Goa. It is a part of the Western Ghats-one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world. With its variety of habitats from dense forest to open grasslands, rocky streams etc, it houses a variety of wildlife. From small insects-butterflies, dragonflies-damselflies; amphibians, reptiles, birds to huge mammals, different sorts of animals and also plants are found here. Also one can see variety of beautiful mushrooms during rainy season. Stream ruby trio (C) Rohan (C) Rohan Beddome’s Frog Centamoud Moth (C) Rohan (C) Rohan A lovely Flower Common Jezebel
  • 12. (C) Rohan (C) Rohan Stream Ruby Damselfly Caterpillar of a moth (C) Rohan (C) Rohan Unidentified Insect - Its antannae Angled Sunbeam are remarkably longer than its body (C) Rohan Green Vine Snake
  • 13. It stretches over a large area and includes many different villages. Spots like the sunset point, the Vasant Bandhara are a must visit. The sunset point is at the peak of one of the (C) Rohan highest hills of the sanctuary from where you can get the view of the entire ghat section and of course the sunset in the evening. It also holds the famous Dudhsagar waterfall and the Devils Canyon. The famous temple of Tambdi Surla and the waterfall adjacent to it also fall under the same sanctuary. (C) Rohan Stream Ruby male guarding the egg laying female (C) Rohan Tambdi Surla Temple
  • 14. (C) Rohan (C) Rohan Tamil Lacewing Common Indian Toad In all, if you are a wildlife enthusiast, nature lover or even interested in the ancient culture or architecture, Mollem sanctuary is the place which will never disappoint you. (C) Rohan Did You Know? The Dragonfly (Bhirmoot) is one of the two living member of order Odonata. Other member is Damselfly. Many people misunderstand damselfly as dragonfly. One can differ easily between two by looking at its resting position. Dragonflies sit with wings held open, horizontally or downwards whereas damselflies sit with wings held closed, usually over abdomen. Also damselflies are slender.
  • 15. CREATURE FEATURE Common Banded Kukri Malabar Giant Squirrel Oligodon arnensis Ratufa Indica (C) Utkarsh Class:- Mammalia Description:-Body length varies from 254 to 457 mm and tail length is almost the same as body length. They weigh aproximately 1.5 to 2 kg. Colour of back or upper part varies from deep red to brown Class:- Reptilia and that of front part is Type:- Non Venomous white. Distribution:-It is Length:-Average: 35cm found in western ghats (C) Rohan At Birth: 8cm and endemic to the Description:- They are reddish or same. They are found in all wildlife greyish-brown with 10-12 black or sanctuaries of Goa. dark brown bands. The top of the Habitat and habits:- It is arboreal and head has a distinct arrowhead spends most of its time on trees. It design. Underneath they are white in makes its shelter within holes in trees. appearance. Their thickness is less. Moving from tree to tree, it can leap 6 Distribution:- Throughout India. meters or more. It rarely leaves the Habitat:- Banded Kukris are mainly trees, usually only to chase other cave, crevice and tree-hole dwellers. squirrels during the breeding season. It Sometimes they are found in termite builds eagle-sized nests in the branches mounds. of trees and raise the young there until Habits:- This specie doesn’t bite they begin to emerge from the nest often and its main defence is to and gain independence. It is typically stiffen and jerk when provoked. They solitary. Active during day. lay 3-6 eggs. Food:-Fruits, flowers, nuts, bark, bird Food:- They feed on Geckos, skinks, eggs and insects. They disperse the small mice and eggs of reptiles and seeds on ground and thus help in birds. The tiny young ones feed on propagation of trees. insects, their larvae and spiders. Status:- Near Threatened Miscellaeous:-These snakes get their Miscellaneous:- It is state animal of name from their sharp, curved teeth, Maharashtra. Called shekro in Goa. perfect for holding strong prey such Poached for its meat and also because as geckos. Normally not found in it sometimes damages arecanut crop urban areas. for its food.
  • 16. CREDITS People Behind this issue WRITERS: Mandar Gaude Rohan Naik PHOTOGRAPHS: Rohan Naik Utkarsh Tilve Omkar Dharwadkar Mandar Gaude DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Mandar Gaude EDITED BY: Omkar Dharwadkar Kaustubh Naik (c) Mitra This issue is for online viewing only. No part of this issue may be printed or sold by any means. This issue is for free viewing. Send us feedback at: Blog: